Infrared Weber Laser Therapy in Luxembourg

“Light is life”

Infrared Non-Invasive Laser Therapy uses a medical device that generates a beam of infrared light.

Laser is an acronym for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.”

Experience the transformative power of Infrared Weber Laser Therapy in Luxembourg, an integrative medical therapy, part of energy medicine.

With the Infrared Weber Laser device we can offer in our medical center:

Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy)

Previously known as LLLT- low level laser therapy = a form of light therapy applied in extern to reduce the pain, the inflammation, and to help the body to heal and repair itself

EXTERNAL laser therapy and laser needle acupuncture = techniques that
allow the laser light to penetrate the body for stimulation of acupuncture points
or local treatment of damaged area.

Energize your mind and body

Photobiomodulation -PBM Therapy (formerly known as LLLT – Low Level Laser Therapy):

✔anti-inflammatory and support detoxification
✔anti-edematous (more effective than the manual massage)
✔improvement of circulation
✔regenerated the damaged tissue
✔analgesic effect

Photobiomodulation (PBM therapy)

Photobiomodulation is the application of light (usually a low power laser or LED) to promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation or induce analgesia. LLLT has been the subject of several systematic reviews for a range of musculoskeletal pathologies with favourable conclusions reported by The Lancet, BMJ, International Association for the Study of Pain and the World Health Organization. Unlike other many treatments LLLT is not an ablating or heating based therapy.

Afin de réaliser la thérapie de photobiomodulation, nous disposons d’une procédure appelée Acupuncture Laserneedle. L’acupuncture Laserneedle est une méthode d’acupuncture absolument indolore. Le Laserneedle n’est pas insérée dans la peau mais fixée dessus. Le faisceau laser directement pénètre dans le corps, stimule les points d’acupuncture et déploie son biologique effets. Cette méthode permet de traiter simultanément jusqu’à 12 points d’acupuncture. Le champ d’application est le même que celui de l’acupuncture classique.

More info about External Laser Therapy – Weber Medical

*The document presents a broad range of applications of the External Laser Therapy. In our medical cabinet we perform only the Photobiomodulation therapy.

More info about Photobiomodulation (Pdf document)

-wavelength=810 nm
-augmentation of ATP production by stimulation of
mitochondrial (cytochrome C oxydase)

Our approach

1. Preliminary Consultation

A preliminary consultation will establish your compatibility with the therapy.

2. Blood Tests

Targeted blood test analysis is required.

3. Laser Therapy

Therapy protocol is proposed accordingly.