In China laufen drei weitere Versuche; zwei von der Tianjin-Universität koordiniert und eine dritte im Wuhan Union Hospital. Wir haben nur einen vorläufigen Bericht über die ersten beiden Fälle. Ein weiterer Versuch wartet in Italien auf die Genehmigung und zwei weitere Versuche werden in Portugal und Brasilien vorbereitet, alle letzten drei mit Hilfe von WFOT. We hope that last trials are approved and we soon get data enough to help our patients. WFOT will not publish preliminary protocols or data without permission from the trial’s coordinator unless it is required by health authorities. Meanwhile, we must follow STRICTLY the advises from these authorities.
UPDATE – September 06, 2020
Several publications to justify the use of ozone in COVD-19 have been published in peer-reviewed journal and the first papers on clinical results (case reports with SIEVOT and Rectal Insufflation and non-randomized clinical trials from Spain) are showing the scientific community that ozone therapy is a REAL option in this pandemic.
Update July 04, 2020
The reduced incidence in Italy of COVID-19 is braking the development of the two RCT started in April. Meanwhile, today has been approved in Brazil a multicenter RCT to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ozone in COVD-19. The experience of compassionate use in Perú has reached the milestone of 300 patients.
Update June 01, 2020
Another hospital in Italy has got approval to start using ozone for COVID-19 by its ethical committee. The Policlinic University Hospital of Bari is treating its COVID-19 patients with systemic indirect endovenous ozone therapy. This will benefit many patients and enforce the recognition of ozone therapy amongst the medical community.
Update April 10, 2020
The University Hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine – Italy has got approval of its ethical committee to start a randomized clinical trial. Spallanzani Institute in Rome and AIFA (Italian Drug Agency) have declared themselves as not competent to approve the trial as ozone is not a drug. Several hospitals are sending applications to this hospital in order to join its clinical trial.
Update April 06, 2020
The University Hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine – Italy has done a pilot study under the approval of the hospital’s ethical committee. They obtained very positive results in 35 of the 36 patients treated, reducing the intubation rate from 15% to 3%. They have applied for approval from Spallanzani Institute in Rome to start a randomized clinical trial.
Update March 27, 2020
The Italian trial, under the auspicies of Nuova FIO, has been authorized officially by the Ethic Commmittee of Sapienza University… soon we could see the progress here.
Other trials have been accepted in hospitals of Romania and Turkey and are pending their ethic committees’ final approval.